Carols are one of the most important part of the Christmas celebrations. They are written specifically for Christmas, and are a great way to communicate the message of the birth of the Saviour. Carols are in every language. Some are translations from other languages, while some are the songs born in and out of the hearts of the Christians of the land. Telugu has some very fine Christmas carols. Let us consider, for our meditation, a Telugu carol, till the Christmas day.
Let us look at the carol, “మన యేసు” – OUR JESUS – this morning. I like the way the song begins. The song writer, who is unknown, begins with a bold and assertive statement – “మన యేసు” – OUR JESUS. There is no confusion, no ambiguity, no doubts, nor any hesitation, in proclaiming “JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH IS OUR LORD!
Isn’t that, what is needed to be done, by Christians, who claim their allegiance to the Saviour, as the disciples of the LORD JESUS? Do we boldly and unhesitantly proclaim the LORD Jesus Christ? Do our words and deeds reflect Jesus the Redeemer? Is our LORD visible in all that we think, speak and do? Is OUR JESUS, the One who is born to save us, is lifted up, gloried in worship and admiration, by us, His disciples? What kind of a Christian are we? What kind of a disciple are we?
Christmas is a time to ponder, and take stock of all what we believe, and all what we do. May the LORD Jesus help us to be His true disciples, and ever so brightly reflect His glory, in and through our lives. May this be our prayer this morning, and through this Christmas season. Even so the LORD help us.
"The emphasis of the Bible is on the work of the Redeemer, not on the work of the redeemed."