Different people think differently about God. Some see God as good, gracious and generous. Some may see God as a bad and cruel person. Some others may think God is irrelevant to them. Some simply do not care about God at all. What about us? What do we think about the LORD God Almighty?
The Bible has a lot to speak about God. It speaks about who He is and His dealings with the creation. All what is written in the Bible, reveals the character of God, which helps us, in knowing and understanding God. For our meditation, let us read Psalm 145:14-16…
– “14 The LORD upholds all who fall, And raises up all who are bowed down. 15 The eyes of all look expectantly to You, And You give them their food in due season. 16 You open Your hand And satisfy the desire of every living thing.” – Psalms 145:14-16
The above three verses reveal to us that God is good, gracious and generous.
– God, who is the Creator of all things, upholds all who are weak and fragile.
– He strengthens those who fall, and raises them up with His strong hand.
– The LORD provides all our needs – to the good and the evil alike – Matthew 5:46
– The LORD is mindful of all who seek Him for help, and will provide, protect and empower all His children.
The LORD God of the Bible is wonderful and amazing. There is none like Him. Once we truly taste Him, and see for ourselves, we cannot be happy with anything else. Nothing can come, even close, to the LORD Jesus. Do we know the LORD God of the Bible?
– “8 Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”* – Psalms 34:8
"All God's works show forth his praises. He satisfies the desire of every living thing, except the unreasonable children of men, who are satisfied with nothing. He does good to all the children of men; his own people in a special manner."