In Hebrew, the name “OBADIAH” means, “Worshiper of Yahweh” or “Servant of Yahweh.” If we were to combine both the meanings, we would get, “A WORSHIPER and a SERVANT of YAHWEH!” What a name!
A worshiper who is also a servant…a servant who is also a worshiper. To be worshiper and a servant are the two most important aspects of a Saved Sinner. There are three important points to consider as Christians…
1- We should be true worshipers of YAHWEH.
2- We should be faithful SERVANTS…SLAVES…BOND SLAVES of YAHWEH.
3- It is YAHWEH, and Him alone we should worship and serve. Nothing else and no one else.
What kind of a worshipper are we? What kind of a servant are we? Will we hear our Master say, “21…‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’” – Matthew 25:21
"Your best servant is the person who does not attend so much to hearing what he himself wants, as to willing what he has heard from you."