Parenting is not an easy “job.” The easiest part is to have a baby, but to raise that child, to be a man or a woman of worth is hard work, often tough and difficult.
The complexities involved in parenting are many. The parents themselves have struggles – both on an individual level, and also as a couple. Added to this are the pressures of life, and the struggle to survive, excel and succeed – both on an individual level, as a couple and also as a family. The plate is already full! Like icing on the cake, are the obligations and responsibilities towards the extended family, friends and the society, involving time, effort, energy and finances.
Marc Chernoff has this advice to offer to struggling parents – “Every parent battles with parenthood in their own way. Because parenting is not easy.” Jacob, Eli, Samuel, David have all struggled with parenting. Sadly, some of them have failed terribly.
Parenting is a “Learning by doing job.” It has no “Do’s and Don’ts” book to help and guide us. Wisdom from those who walked ahead of us, and our own experiential knowledge is our help. Let us never forget, the LORD who created us, and who gave us this responsibility, in the first place. He will help us, and will guide us through our struggles and difficulties as parents.
Therefore, as parents, let us not lose hope, nor our grip over life. Things may not be good, but it is not going to be the same always. Life is much more that a string of terrible mistakes. Let us look to the brighter side – now since we are wiser by the experience. It is never too late to start afresh. Let us lead our children by example.
"Children do need the guidance of their parents, and we guide them more by the example we set than by any other way. We need to be firm and sane and fair and consistent - and, above all, we need to discipline in a spirit of love."