Today, the 5th September, is celebrated as “Teachers’ Day” in India, in remembrance of Dr. Sarvepalli Radha Krishna, one of the freedom fighters. The Bible lays great importance on teaching and learning – “6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6. Today’s devotion is about teachers, teaching and learning.
Learning is much more than facts and figures. Education is much more than degrees and certificates. Life is much more than possessions, positions and power one wields. Being literate is not the same as being educated. Education, learning and life is being what God our Creator meant us to be.
Teachers, in the life of anyone, are invaluable. It is said, life itself is a great teacher. Our experiences are also our teachers. What we learn thus, is etched forever, on our minds, and we are wiser, because of them, in the future.
We all need teachers, because, we don’t know everything. It is also said, that we have something to learn even on our death bed. Therefore, we all need teachers, and that, what they teach us, is precious and priceless.
However, for someone to learn anything, humility is a must. Humility to acknowledge and accept that we don’t know everything, and that, we need someone else to help us learn things, that help us live our lives, better and wiser.
It is good for us to respect everyone in our life, especially those who teach us. Respecting our teachers, be it the ones at the school, or the ones in life, is a reflection of how good a student we are. Our respect for our teachers also tells us, that we are grateful and thankful to all those who have taught us something in our life.
Therefore, let us be people who recognise we don’t know everything. We ought to ask for help and guidance from others, who thus, become our teachers. We have to be humble in seeking help. We have to be Grateful and thankful to all who have taught us something in life. Lastly, we should never ever forget all this who have taught us something…even if it is a small thing.
Let us remember this day, to thank God for all that we have learnt from our parents, siblings, friends, neighbours, colleagues, life itself, and especially the teachers at schools, colleges, Churches and all spiritual avenues of learning. May we seek God to help us be good students, as well as, good teachers.
"Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts; it is acquiring understanding."