“Nice guys finish last” is an old English proverb. It is true in so many instances. The following thoughts, sums up this proverb, very well.
– “Nice guys finish last” implies that moral, ethical, principles, kind, fair, pleasant, decent men, often don’t achieve success, or get what they want in life, in comparison with those who are more assertive, aggressive, and even ruthless, suggesting that, being “too nice” can be a disadvantage in competitive life situations.”
Sadly, the above thoughts are something, that cannot be pushed aside, so easily. Especially, when we see how the real world works. The world doesn’t seem to care for morals, values, ethics and principles, anymore. What matters is success, achievement and progress, no matter how one has arrived there, what he had done, it not done to stand on the pedestal of success and achievement.
However, the Bible encourages us to walk uprightly and righteously. Does it mean, the LORD is setting us up for failure? Does it mean, the LORD doesn’t care for us? Does it mean the LORD doesn’t want us to succeed? No, that is not how we should understand it. David sums it up well for us, what and how a Christian should conduct himself in this world.
– “25 I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread. 26 He is ever lending generously, and his children become a blessing.” – Psalm 37:25-26
David is not speaking some crazy and unreasonable things. He is speaking the above words from his personal experience.
– “I have been young, and now am old”
– “I have not seen the righteous forsaken”
– “or his children begging for bread.”
– “He [the righteous] is ever lending generously”
– “his children become a blessing”
Dear brothers and sisters, I would, at any given day, will place my trust in the eternal Word of God, and choose to walk in the way, it wants me to walk. I may or may not “succeed” according to the standards and parameters of this world. But, I am happy and satisfied in walking the “Narrow Way” despite its difficulties, struggles, obstacles and hardships. It is worth every effort. For the rewards of walking such a path is never a loss. It is always a gain, unquestionably. Let us never forget that, THE BLESSING OF THE LORD and THE REWARD from His hand, for FOR all who desire WALKING ARIGHT in His sight!
God is not in the habit of abandoning His people. He will care for them, and will ensure their safety and security. We might still go through tough and difficult times, yet, the LORD is with us, through it all. May the LORD help us to always trust Him, and walk in His ways, uncompromisingly. It will be well with all those who walk aright, in the sight of God.
"I believe this to be literally true in all cases. I am now grey-headed myself; I have travelled in different countries, and have had many opportunities of seeing and conversing with religious people in all situations in life; and I have not, to my knowledge, seen one instance to the contrary. I have seen no righteous man forsaken, nor any children of the righteous begging their bread. God puts this honour upon all that fear him; and thus careful is he of them, and of their posterity."