What a comfort it is when the LORD speaks!!! We are, many a time, in the midst of severe storm; and out of the blue, the word of the LORD comes through to us, shattering the blinding barricades of darkness and gloom; and miraculously, stilling the wind, waves and the waters…the LORD speaks to the storm…He speaks peace and calmness…into our lives. What a joy it is!!!
The Bible records, in Mark 4, a storm that hit the boat, in which, Jesus, along with the disciples, were sailing. Disciples were terribly scared, even though they were seasoned fishermen, while Jesus peacefully slept. When woken up by sore afraid disciples, Jesus – “39…rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” Then Jesus turned to the disciples and said – “40…“Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” What power! What authority! The sovereignty of the LORD is in full display.
Many times we are scared of the storms, that rage in our lives, just like the disciples. May we learn to trust the LORD, more than our own knowledge, our experience, our intelligence, our instincts, our insights and our wisdom. Faith is, to trust God in the face of all our storms, and say boldly, “The LORD will take care of us, our interests and our safety.” Glory be to the LORD, who saves us…always!!!
"[Jesus] Rebuked… [and said] “Peace, be still!” The same terminology was used when Jesus rebuked and silenced demons. This was a spiritual battle as much as a weather crisis. “Jesus addressed the raging storm as a ‘force’ threatening him and his disciples. The force of the sea was muzzled as Jesus subdued it with his sovereign word of authority."