Children are precious and priceless. Each child is unique, and has his or her own personality, and their own potential to excel in life. This is a fact of life. No two children are the same – even in the case of the identical twins. As parents it is imperative for us to know their potential, and accordingly bring them up.
The Word of God says the same in Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
The Bible is enlightening us the following in regards to children and parenting.
3- The BEST WAY TO TEACH – is by Being the Role Model.
Walking the path, and asking the child to follow.
4- When the given instructions are followed, this will be THE END RESULT – The child will benefit, and become a blessing.
The parent is expected to be Gentle, Loving, Caring and Firm, without being Rude or Harsh – a tough balancing act. To sum it up in Paul’s words, “15…speaking the truth in love…” – Ephesians 4:15
Parenting is not easy in itself. It gets complex because we ourselves have our own shortfalls, drawbacks and learning to do.
It is always good to go to the Maker for advise, inputs and help. The LORD know it better. He who designed everything, and created us, knows exactly how to approach the ‘job’ at hand, and do it well. So God help us.
"Above all, we [as parents] must make sure that the open book of our lives - our example - demonstrates the reality of our instruction, for in watching us they will learn the most."