Man has been trying to reform himself through many different ways. He seeks to transform himself through education, moral and spiritual teachings. Yet, man seems to be going on a downward trajectory, and not rising himself up.
When we see, what happens to all who truly are called of God, to follow Jesus, obediently and faithfully, we see a transformation in them, like no other, even though they are, just as sinful and lost, as the rest of the lot. Take for instance the life of a Sikh young man from Punjab, India, in early 1900’s. Sundar Singh hated Jesus Christ, with all his heart. He even burns the Bible given to him. However, when he encounters the Living God, on a particular day, he is transformed completely, and becomes one of the greatest “slaves” of Jesus, proclaiming God’s love, found only in Jesus our Redeemer.
Nothing could deter Sundar, and he walked joyfully into all kinds of dangers, and accepted all the hate that was thrown at him. His own family had poisoned Sundar, in his early days as a Christian, so that, he would die, and not bring disgrace to the family, by becoming a Christian.
Such a transformation is a clear sign of Christ’s working in our lives. All who claim to be Christians, need not necessarily be the disciples, of the LORD Jesus, in the real sense.
– “21 “Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.”* – Matthew 7:21
– “You could join a church. You can go through a religious ceremony. You can say a prayer and not be changed. But if you really encounter Jesus, you will be changed. No one encounters Jesus and remains the same.” – Derek Prince
Presence of struggles in our lives, and the failure to live up to the standards of God, as a sign of a transformed life, need not necessarily indicate that we are not Christians. We have tread carefully and cautiously here. We must understand this struggle to live for God, in the light of the fact that, every Christian encounters struggles and failures in their lives.
– “18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. 19 For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.” – Romans 7:18-19
– “Our trusting the Lord does not mean that there are not times of tears. I think it is a mistake as Christians to act as though trusting the Lord and tears are not compatible.” – Francis A. Schaeffer
– “Although I have much to be grateful for as I look back on my life, I also have many regrets. I have failed many times, and I would do many things differently.” – Billy Graham
It is good to know that, how we wish to see our struggles and failures, and what we are doing about them, is the question to seriously ponder. This indicates the direction we are walking in – towards transformation in Christ, or towards the other side.
Dear friends and brothers and sisters, let us pause for a moment and consider, if we are truly touched by the LORD Jesus Christ? Let us consider about the transformation in our lives. Let us also, seek the LORD, to help us live for Him, and walk in all His ways, obediently and faithfully. Even so the LORD help us.
"The Christian message is a message of transformation, and we are all sinners saved by grace. Yes—God wants us to change, and God helps us to change."