There is a question many would like to ask, “WHO ARE THESE CHRISTIANS?” Diognetus, probably a prominent person from Greece or Rome must have asked the same question to Mathetes, around the 2nd or 3rd century BC. Mathetes then writes to Diognetus in detail, an accurate and in-depth analysis of Christians, their faith, how they live, and what they believe, which is commonly called as “The Epistle to Diognetus” or “Letter to Diognetus.”
Here is a portion of it, which gives a great insight into early Christians and Christianity.
“For Christians are not distinguished from the rest of humanity by country, language, or custom.
For nowhere do they live in cities of their own, nor do they speak some unusual dialect, nor do they practice an eccentric way of life.
This teaching of theirs has not been discovered by the thought and reflection of ingenious people, nor do they promote any human doctrine, as some do.
But while they live in both Greek and barbarian cities, as each one’s lot was cast, and follow the local customs in dress and food and other aspects of life, at the same time they demonstrate the remarkable and admittedly unusual character of their own citizenship.
They live in their own countries, but only as non-residents; they participate in everything as citizens, and endure everything as foreigners.
Every foreign country is their fatherland, and every fatherland is foreign.
They marry like everyone else, and have children, but they do not expose their offspring.
They share their food but not their wives.
They are in the flesh, but they do not live according to the flesh.
They live on earth, but their citizenship is in heaven.
They obey the established laws; indeed in their private lives they transcend the laws.
They love everyone, and by everyone they are persecuted.
They are unknown, yet they are condemned; they are put to death, yet they are brought to life.
They are poor, yet they make many rich; they are in need of everything, yet they abound in everything.
They are dishonoured, yet they are glorified in their dishonour; they are slandered, yet they are vindicated.
They are cursed, yet they bless; they are insulted, yet they offer respect.
When they do good, they are punished as evildoers; when they are punished, they rejoice as though brought to life.
By the Jews they are assaulted as foreigners, and by the Greeks they are persecuted, yet those who hate them are unable to give a reason for their hostility.”
Let the “LETTER TO DIOGNETUS” be a mirror for us, to check our walk against, what Christians were like, in the early Church. It may startle and surprise us. May it help us to get back to the authentic Christianity.
"Radical obedience to Christ is not easy... It's not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us.""