Someone rightly said, EGO is Edging God Out. Man wants to be the center of attraction and be there by all means, no matter what. It is the consequence of what happened in the original garden. The root of it all is in the “fallen angel.”
– Ego wants to imposes itself on people, whether they like it or not.
– Ego will invite itself, where it is not needed, and even in places where uninvited.
– Ego insists on being recognised and respected, despite the fact, that it has no place, nor any standing there.
– Ego is bloated self-interest, “shamelessly pursuing self-promotion with arrogance and power, while believing all the while, that there is nothing wrong or immoral about it.
– Ego cares for none, and is concerned about nothing else than self.
– Ego announces its arrival with boastful pomp.
– Ego sees nothing else and no one else, except self and self-interest.
The Word of God aptly puts it in Proverbs 16:18 – “18 Pride precedes a disaster, and an arrogant attitude precedes a fall.” Need say anything more?
Beware, none are spared by the ego. Everyone falls prey to it sometime or the other. It only destroys the individual, and all that surrounds that person. The only way out is to know who we are, as the Bible describes – the human heart. We have to constantly monitor ourselves. When at fault, rectify immediately. Let us keep our FEET firmly in the ground, our EYES on the LORD, our HEART on all that the LORD is asking of us.
"Seven things to drop if you want to get ahead: Entitlement, Ego, Bad attitude, Excuses, Jealously, Laziness, Selfishness."