Darkness can be overwhelming and scary. The lack of visibility, and the uncertainty that comes with it causes the anxiety and the fear. However, on the contrary, light, however small and insignificant it may be, it illuminates the place, and gives a definite confidence to the person who has it. Such is the power of light, despite the ‘imposing’ nature of darkness.
Man, because of the fall and the sin, has plunged himself into darkness. He is unable to see anything clearly, nor discern between good and bad, and right and wrong. Instead, he leans towards wrong and bad, by nature and habit, preferring sin over righteousness. Such is the pitiable state of man…living in darkness.
The LORD God our Creator, out of His great love for us, and His desire that we should not perish, had come down to redeem and restore us. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, paid the price for our sins, and bought our redemption by His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. This is the Light that shines through out darkness!
The LORD Jesus, speaking to the lady caught in adultery, and to the people present there, including the once who wished to trap Jesus, says this in John 8:12 – “12…“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
Has the Light of the world come into your life? Do we have the Light of life in us? Light not only illuminates and drives away the darkness, but gives us life, because we are dead and lifeless. Where do we stand in relation to the Light?
"My journey is so similar to everyone else’s journey, because we all are human. We all have been defeated by the powers of darkness, and we all find redemption in the light of Christ."