The LORD Jesus, speaking to the disciples in Matthew 6:5-8, gives us His thoughts on prayer, and how to go about it. These words are for a Christian disciple. The quicker we learn, the better it is for us.
The LORD’s words have some very important lessons for us to learn about prayer. Let us see them in the coming days. Prayer is important for a disciple’s survival and success, as we journey through the narrow way. There are no two opinions on this.
The context in which this passage is set, is THE FIRST LESSON in PRAYER for us. The LORD Jesus is seen emphasising upon being incognito in relation to our GIVING – Matthew 6:1-4, and also our PRAYER – Matthew 6:5-6. Pomp and pride go together. Where pride is present, our downfall has already begun. It is only a matter of time before, pomp and pride will manifest themselves openly, and will utterly destroy us.
“5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.” – Matthew 6:5
Let us learn to seek the LORD silently and ‘secretly,’ than make a big show of ourselves. Such pomp is a trait of self-righteous people, about whom the LORD is advising us against. Let us learn the lesson our LORD is teaching us.
"An unschooled man who knows how to meditate upon the Lord has learned far more than the man with the highest education who does not know how to meditate."