The integrity that the Bible talks about is, intentional application of heart and mind in walking the path of biblical righteousness, visible to the world though the morals, ethics, values and principles that we uphold, despite the losses and the consequences because of it. Such a walk is never easy, nor does it come naturally and automatically to a Christian. We are by nature, people who wish walk in the opposite direction of all that God wants us to. Therefore, we need God.
The Bible says in Proverbs 20:7 that – “7 The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.”* When we walk the path of integrity, we will be blessed, and so also our children…after us. Isn’t that wonderful?
So let us choose intentionally to walk this path of integrity, in all its entirety, for the glory of God.
"Integrity characterises the entire person, not just part of him. He is righteous and honest through and through. He is not only that inside, but also in outer action."