The LORD asks us, the Christians, to be His witnesses and ambassadors, wherever we are placed. The need for Christians to be the salt and light is more than ever today – “13 Ye are the salt of the earth…14 Ye are the light of the world…16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” – Matthew 5:13-16
What was traditionally considered as Christian west, who stood to uphold the biblical values, ethics and principles are crumbling and in advanced stage of decay, if not already. Now, ‘mammon, the god of this age,’ is desired and worshipped with great dedication. Profits and power, regardless of how it is earned, is the only aim and the goal of any enterprise today – even if it means walking the immoral and illegal path. A cursory glance at how the ‘social media platforms’ are being used and abused, by the promoters and the powerful for their own advantage, unashamedly, as a weapon in gaining profits for some, and power for some, is a definite indicator of the rot and changing trends, in the once consider bastion of Christian ethic.
It has two lessons for us. One, the systems of the world, however good and noble in its intentions and origins, will fall and fail. This is one more evidence for the fallenness of human beings. Secondly, Christians are always individuals, and a small number of people, never the masses, and certainly never the systems and administrative power centres created by man. Look at all the powers that ever ruled this world, their reasons for existence and their achievements, and we will get the accurate picture of fallen man and his heart.
The onus, as ever, and as originally intended by the LORD God Almighty, is that we Christians, irrespective of where we are born, should and must uphold the biblical standards as salt and light. The LORD will ask us for an account, and not the governments and the so called, Christian nations. They both, are not the one and the same.
May the LORD help us to live and shine for Him in the ever darkening world, where the powers of darkness are more brazen than ever in displaying blatantly and unashamedly their dark and evil intentions. The LORD who called us out of darkness, wants us to shine for Him. May we shine for Him and Him alone.
"When the church aligns itself politically, it gives priority to the compromises and temporal successes of the political world rather than its Christian confession of eternal truth. And when the church gives up its rightful place as the conscience of the culture, the consequences for [the] society can be horrific."