Recently I read a joke about a salesman at the furniture shop. Let me share it with you – “The salesman at the furniture store told me, “This sofa will seat 5 people without any problems.” I said, “Where the hell am I going to find 5 people without any problems?”
We may have a good laugh over it, but there is a profound truth, and an important lesson for us in this confused understanding of what was said. It is impossible to find, even five people, without problems, because, everyone has problems. It looks like, PEOPLE and PROBLEMS seem to be made for each other.
The question for us, as Christians is this, – “How do we respond to the problems in our lives?” Let us look at Daniel, and see what he can teach us about facing problems. When Daniel was in the lions’ den, he was looking at the LORD, and not the lions. This made all the difference in the difficult situation that Daniel was thrown into. Can we see it?
The lesson that Daniel teaches us, is this, – learn to always look to the LORD, and never at the lions. Especially young people. When we want to live for God, problems will come searching for us, just like they did Daniel…expect them to knock our doors. This is life.
We can break free, and rise above our problems by the grace of God – just like Daniel and his friends. The LORD is willing to stand with us in the lions’ den, that we may find ourselves in. However, the question that begs an answer is, are we willing to look to the LORD, and learn to rise above our problems and fears? As long as one thinks of all the bad that has happened, and is happening, there is no way that person can break free and come out. Only when we look at the LORD, and by faith step out to seek a solution, do we come out of it.
Let us be led by faith in the LORD Jesus Christ, and not by our feelings and emotions. If led by faith in Jesus, it will help us walk towards victory. If we want to be led by our feeling and emotions, we will surely drown into defeat. All the best!!!
"What then are we to do about our problems? We must learn to live with them until such time as God delivers us from them. We must pray for grace to endure them without murmuring. Problems patiently endured will work for our spiritual perfecting. They harm us only when we resist them or endure them unwillingly."