The LORD made it abundantly clear that we should not kill – Exodus 20:13. Judicial system of the kingdom of Israel was in the hands of the judges and rulers, and not specifically with the priestly class. Rulers had rules to abide by, and the law was given specifically for this purpose – to execute justice. The priests were to minister before the LORD, and be the go-betweens, on behalf of the LORD, to the people, and on behalf of the people, to the LORD – Deuteronomy 10:8; 18:5; 17:8-11; 33:10.
When it comes to New Testament times, the whole paradigm changes. The rulers are gentiles, and the people of God are not just Jews anymore. The role of the priests even in New Testament Church set up, is the same, as in the Old Testament times. It doesn’t change. This is very much clear in the teachings of the New Testament. The same was followed up untill Rome took over the functioning of the religious affairs of Christians.
When Rome took over, they just super imposed their existing religious setup with Christian language, and liturgy. Therefore, we see the priest donning the role of the judge, jury and the executioner – which is common and normal in their cultures and religion. Sadly, this error was not rectified even after the Reformation. But instead, it was forcefully administered, and at times, violently imposed and implemented upon its subjects.
On 6th October in 1536, almost five hundred years ago, William Tyndale, an English Bible scholar, and a linguist, is strangled and burned at Vilvoorde Castle, not far from present day Brussels, Belgium, for his protestant views, and his efforts to translate the Bible into English language. Tyndale became one of the leading figures in the Protestant Reformation, in the years leading up to his execution.
One doesn’t have words to describe this kind of heinous crime. Especially if it is planned, pursued and executed by the ‘christian’ religious heads of the day. It simply means, one cannot and should not have an opinion other than what the ‘church’ leadership says. No one should ask any questions, neither are they allowed to think independently. This is fascism at its best.
We see today, winds of confusion, contamination and compromise, in the Church. It should deeply disturb us all. May the LORD help us to raise our voice, when the Church and the Christians are at fault. Let us not, proverbially, “sweep the errors, mistakes and sins of the Church, under the carpet.” The intention is not to sit in the seat of judgement, but stand up and voice our opinions and concerns, when the church and the Christians are wrong. Remember the “God’s Watchman” – Ezekiel 33:1-11.
"One of the greatest paradoxes in Christian history is that the church is most pure in times of cultural hostility. When things are easy and good, that is when the church most often goes astray. When Christianity seems identical with the culture and even when the church seems to be enjoying its greatest earthly success, then it is weakest. Conversely, when the church encounters hardship, persecution, and suffering… then it is closest to its crucified Lord, then there are fewer hypocrites and nominal believers among its members, and then the faith of Christians burns most intensely."