Cross is the symbol of shame, disgrace and criminality. Yet the LORD chose to be hung on it. “”He who knew no sin, was made sin,”” says the Book – 2 Cor. 5:21.
WHY was it so? I heard a quote long long back, and it sums it up well. “”I owed a debt that I couldn’t pay. He paid a debt that He did not owe.”” We couldn’t do anything about our condition, therefore He had to do something about it.
WHAT compelled the Creator to die for His creation, such a cruel death? John 3:16 sums it up for us – “”for God so LOVED the world…”” the world is you and me. The reason is my and our sin.
Know this well, and remember it always…’that God moved by His loved paid for our sins, so that we would be set free.’ This will keep you on the narrow path. Walk faithfully and steadfastly on it, no matter what.
Kumara Krupa Bachala