The role and the responsibilities of a mother are tough, tiring and thankless. Tough because, from the moment of conception till the delivery of the child, there are many dangers. Many a mother died during this process. Some mothers have extremely difficult pregnancy and delivery. All through the period it is discomfort at its best.
It doesn’t end with delivery of the child. Nursing the child is an entirely different ballgame. There are no fixed timings for a nursing mother. Her bundle of joy seems to have a perfect timing for maximum disturbance. This is to say the least about the mother’s difficulties.
If you ask a mother, was it worth it? She would smile and say of course. That is mother!
The role of nurturing a child never stops for a mother. As the child grows, so does her responsibilities towards the child. Each age has its own contribution from the mother.
Many times, we take our mothers for granted. We think it is their duty. We may never fully understand, nor appreciate, the role and the responsibilities of a mother. That is why it is tough, tiring and thankless.
Hats off to all mothers. Thank you so much for everything!
Kumara Krupa Bachala