Everyone wants to be brave in life. However, it is good to know, that no one is born brave. Being brave is an acquired skill. A skill to navigate life in all its lows and downs, without bowing down to the pressures.
Everyone is scared…in varying degrees. There is none who isn’t scared. It is also called CONCERNED or WORRIED, in other words. Being scared is not the problem. But staying scared is.
When problems hit us, it doesn’t see our ability, and then measure the amount to serve us. Problems simply hit us. We should learn to stand up everytime problems hit us down. The choice to remain hit, or to hit back at the problem, is in our hands. We may falter. We may fail. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter, as long as we are trying to get back up.
We manage some problems well. Some would take time. Some, may be, we have to live with it. It is important for us to see with clarity, about the problems we encounter. Categorize them, as to where they fall. But keep moving always.
Life is a journey, and there are no shade trees for us to stop, rest and relax. The rest too is on the go. So keep going. As we go, we will get a better hang of life, and all our problems. A while latter, we will be able to navigate better. As we keep at it, our skill improves.
Don’t lose hope. Don’t hesitate to seek help. The LORD promised us never to leave us, nor forsake us. It is good that we look to him for help. The LORD is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent – therefore, let us seek Him for help. He will surely lead us and guide us for our good.
"Difficult times show true colors, hard times reveal true friends, and the good will be blessed through the pain…Just let go and let God!"