The Christian way of living is exactly the opposite to what the world believes and practices.
Christianity is hated because it teaches us to counter the culture of “flesh” with the culture of the Spirit – Galatians 5.
It questions the systems believed and practiced by the world, without actually questioning it. It wants Christians to live by this value system.
The system that the Bible wants us to practice is superior. It is superior system because it transforms the individual inside out. It makes ‘saints’ out of sinners.
However, this is unattainable without God. So God becomes central, absolutely important and essential for us to live this “new life,” otherwise we cannot live it.
When we live such a transformed life in obedience to the Word of God, the world will take note, and many will be drawn by the LORD to Himself.
How is the transformation work going on in our lives
"Christ’s call to obedience is a call to be different, not conformist. Such a Church — joyful, obedient, loving, and free — will do more than please God: it will attract the world. It is when the Church evidently is the Church, and is living a supernatural life of love by the power of the Holy Spirit, that the world will believe."