The chapter twelve of 1 Corinthians, deals with the “Spiritual Gifts” and the “Unity in Diversity.” A very sound and significant teaching for the life and growth of the Church. Yet, through the last verse in 1 Corinthians 12, verse 31, the Word of God has this to say – “31 But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way.“
The Bible says, the spiritual gifts are good, and we should earnestly desire them. But there is something more excellent, and I (Paul) wish to show you – the disciples and Christians – the same. Then the whole chapter on Love is expounded for us.
Are we aware of this “more excellent way?” Are we walking on this “more excellent way?” Are we displaying this “more excellent way” through our thoughts, words and deeds? Love is the way chosen by the LORD. He expects us to walk on it, just as our Creator and Redeemer did.
Let us walk that “more excellent way!”
"Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained."
1 Comment
It is very good that you go this way. It will give you wider audience and reach much more people with rhe Gospel of CHRIST.
May God bless your blog.