Abraham is one of the Patriarchs of our faith, who has a very special place in the hearts and minds of all of us. When we read about Abraham, in the Bible, we find him to be truly a great man…a towering personality, in the roll of honour.
He demonstrates great faith in God, when he leaves his family, his roots, and his everything, because of God’s call, not knowing where that promised land is, and when would he arrive there. He trusted God’s word, and it was counted for righteousness. When asked to offer his only son, the one whom God Himself had promised to give, Abraham did not hesitate.
He was a man of standing among his peers and the powerful rulers. He was a courageous man, who chased the marauding mobs, to rescue his people. He was generous, and gave Lot, his nephew, the first choice to choose the land. A man of his word. Abraham is a man, who chose to pay for everything, that he ever took, from anyone. A man who chose to depend on God, than accepts gift and donations for any help rendered.
Abraham, even though a great man, yet he displayed that he is human, and demonstrated the fragility that resides in all. He failed a few times. Some with very serious consequences.
What an example is this great Patriarch, to us, even today, a good 4000 years after he lived!!! Look at the humility and gracefulness of this man, when asking for a piece of land to bury his dear wife. “1 Sarah lived 127 years; these were the years of the life of Sarah. 2 And Sarah died at Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan, and Abraham went in to mourn for Sarah and to weep for her. 3 And Abraham rose up from before his dead and said to the Hittites, 4 “I am a sojourner and foreigner among you; give me property among you for a burying place, that I may bury my dead out of my sight.” 5 The Hittites answered Abraham, 6 “Hear us, my lord; you are a prince of God among us. Bury your dead in the choicest of our tombs. None of us will withhold from you his tomb to hinder you from burying your dead.” 7 Abraham rose and bowed to the Hittites, the people of the land.” – Genesis 23:1-7
The approach of Abraham is what should strike us, and help us in how we conduct ourselves in this life, especially with those who are not of ours. Graceful, humble, gentle, civilised and cultured in his heart, therefore his winsome approach, and his impeccable behaviour. Everyone would talk and behave well with him…even those who would disagree with him.
May the LORD help us to take inspiration from this great Patriarch of ours, and learn to walk our journey through this life, with our hearts filled with the love of God, eyes firmly set upon our Master, and our hand ever eager to help those in need, and feet firmly placed on the ground, especially, when the LORD blesses us, and lifts us up. May the LORD help us.
"There was one who was great by virtue of his power, and one who was great by virtue of his hope, and one who was great by virtue of his love, but Abraham was the greatest of all, great by that power whose strength is powerlessness, great by that wisdom which is foolishness, great by that hope whose form is madness, great by the love that is hatred to oneself."