What good can come out of brokenness? Can any good come from a broken life? Can we think on those lines? Any elementary student of life, can observe and verify that, how we see the problem, depends upon our perspective. Like they say, “A glass can be viewed as, half empty, or half full.” It is, but a matter of perspective.
A broken situation can be a blessing in many ways. It may not necessarily be, as we want it to be. However, if we care to see, there would be, and will be, a blessing, in any and every broken situation. It depends on how we wish we see things…nazar nahi, mere bhai, nazariyah – [not our physical sight, my dear brother, but the vision.]
The LORD, speaking through the apostle Paul, wants us to see the things that are broken in our lives, differently…
– “3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” – 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
The LORD desires that we observe and learn, two essential points, from the verses above. One – that God Himself will comfort us, in all our struggles and broken situations. YAHWEH is our COMFORTER!
– “The words all comfort in this passage come from the ancient Greek word paraklesis. The idea behind this word for comfort in the New Testament is always more than soothing sympathy. It has the idea of strengthening, of helping, of making strong. The idea behind this word is communicated by the Latin word for comfort (fortis), which also means “brave.” – Enduring Word Commentary
Two – God wants us to use the experience of the comfort, we have received in our brokenness, and be ourselves, the comforters, for all those who are going through similar situations.
– “Even spiritual comforts are not given us for our use alone; they, like all the gifts of God, are given that they may be distributed, or become instruments of help to others. A minister’s trials and comforts are permitted and sent for the benefit of the Church. What a miserable preacher must he be who has all his divinity by study and learning, and nothing by experience!” – Adam Clarke
Our broken state will help us see our brokenness differently, and will enable us to understand and empathise, with all who are broken, and care for them, and their sufferings, more genuinely, and more intimately. This is love…genuine love…this is blessing… our brokenness becoming a blessing…if only we care to see it, and become that blessing. Even so, the LORD help us.
"Keep in mind that God uses brokenness to deepen your understanding in at least three ways: 1- You gain a new perspective of His mercy and provision and learn to depend on Him more. 2- You develop a more complete comprehension of yourself. 3- Your compassion and understanding for others' suffering grows."