The Bible, through Solomon the wise, speaks consecutively for three straight verses, between verses 4-6, in Proverbs 11, about the contrast between the righteous, and the unrighteous, and the consequences of both. Let us read Proverbs 11:6, and see, what it has to speak to us.
– “6 The righteousness of the upright will deliver them, But the unfaithful will be caught by their lust.”
The result of walking the path of righteousness, as desired by our God, always ends in a blessing. Upright living is asked by God, and by walking on that path, we are honouring the LORD, by our obedience. He who honours the LORD, will always be blessed with good, and will deliver us from all evil.
– “6 The righteousness of the upright will deliver them…”
However, walking on the paths of unrighteousness, will yield its fruit. It is will not be a blessing, but rather a curse. Even if it appears that the wicked are prospering, it is a slippery path, that leads to destruction. This is a certainty, and good for us to know it.
– “6…But the unfaithful will be caught by their lust.”
May we, as the children of God, desire always to walk in His ways, the way of righteousness and uprightness. What we sow, that we reap. Therefore, walking on the God ordained path, will only leads us towards our good, and our blessing. May the LORD help us to walk the path of uprightness, willingly and obediently. May our LORD be honoured, lifted up and glorified, in and through our lives. Even so the LORD help us.
"He that is walking uprightly knows that the LORD is his shepherd. They will not fear, even when they are walking through the valley of the shadow of death. They will not be afraid of situations, or circumstances. They know that the LORD will always direct, and order their steps."