The way of the LORD is, many times and in many ways, exactly the opposite of what the world thinks and how it conducts itself. Might is right in the world. However civilised it may be dressed up, the world runs on brute force. Anyone dare stand with a contrary view is disliked in most cases, and destroyed in certain cases.
However, the LORD thinks and works in ways that are contrary to the world. One such statement is found in Matthew 5:5 – “5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” These are the words of Jesus Christ, the LORD our Redeemer.
Meekness is not only expected from the disciples of the LORD Jesus Christ, but is also exalted as a virtue, that will stand good in all aspects of a Christian’s life.
The meek are considered weak and worthless by the world. Meekness is not the trait of achievers and the go-getters. The meek are not considered to be leadership material, nor a trait that will stand good on our way to success.
Let us, as Christians, walk the path that the LORD has charted for us. In fact, our LORD Himself has walked on it. He wants us to walk the same way. As we walk the path of meekness, let us remember, that it is not weak to be meek. It is the virtues of inheritors of the kingdom of God!!!
"We had long known the Lord without realizing that meekness and lowliness of heart should be the distinguishing feature of the disciple."