The Bible is very clear that to be a follower and a disciple of the LORD Jesus Christ, there is a cost to be paid. If we are not paying such a cost, then there is something wrong with the quality of our faith that we process…something is amiss…maybe we are too closely resembling the world, than our Master.
Down through the centuries, people who walked with the LORD paid a price to be a Christian. Persecution came in different forms, because they firmly chose to follow their Saviour, uncompromisingly, come what may.
On 16th February 309 AD, “Pamphilius of Caesarea is beheaded for his Christian faith. He had founded a library in Palestine and trained many pupils, including Eusebius, the first notable church historian.”
On 16th February1684 AD, “non-conformist pastor, Francis Bampfield dies in Newgate Prison, UK, having been held too long in a damp area. Once a Royalist, his loyalty to the crown had not protected him from the religious persecution of England’s King Charles II.”
On 16th February 1844 AD, “Koilas Chunder Mookerjee, a young Hindu convert to Christianity who had suffered considerable persecution, dies from cholera, in Calcutta. Immediately after his baptism he had endeavored to evangelise others around him.”
Persecution, in any form, mild or severe, is an indication that we are walking on the right path. Are we paying any price for our faith? Do we suffer because we chose to stand for Jesus Christ, our LORD and Saviour? Do we face discrimination because of the Christian values, ethics and principles we uphold? Do we?
"Christ has paid the full price for our redemption, but our walk with God on a daily basis will cost us much. Are we willing, cheerfully, to pay the cost?"