The word “THEREFORE” is a technical word. Now why do I say that? Therefore is an indication of arriving at a conclusion. The conclusion is indication of a process in arriving at that conclusion. The entire endeavour and effort indicates that there is a problem at hand; in order to solve it, the person employs a procedure, which in turn helps that person to arrive at the conclusion.
King David had problems in his life – Psalm 16:1. He sought the LORD to help him tide over the problems – Psalms 16:5,7,8. Here in Psalms 16:9 he arrives at his ”THEREFORE” moment – “9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope.”
He arrives at it because of the LORD, His invaluable law, and David’s deep desire to obey the LORD and follow God’s precepts.
Let us be encouraged this morning to follow the pattern left for us by David. Let us learn to love the LORD, obey Him and seek His face to help us follow His precepts.
"We are always in the forge, or on the anvil; by trials God is shaping us for higher things."