Whenever I think of the love of God, I am reminded of the beautiful Telugu hymn, *”ఈ లాటిదా యేసు ప్రేమ”* We will look at just the refrain, for our meditation, today…
– “ఈ లాటిదా యేసు ప్రేమ. నన్ను తులానాడక తనదు జాలి జుపినదా ఈ లాటిదా యేసు ప్రేమ”
Here is a simple translation of the refrain – Is this what the love of Christ is like? That which did not despise and reject me, but had shown empathy, kindness and mercy towards me. Is this what the love of Christ is like? Oh what a beautiful and heat touching hymn is this? Truly amazing song by Raavuri Rangaiah; a precious and priceless gem, in the Telugu Christian hymnal.
Honestly speaking, who can truly translate the love of God, that spared not Himself to reach out, rescue and redeem the fallen human race? No words are sufficient to describe the amazing love of God. Despite the difficulty, the essence of God’s amazing love, is beautifully captured by Rangaiah, who was actually, running away from Christ, despite his younger brother Raavuri Laxmaiah’s efforts. When Rangaiah finally became a Christian, he saw the magnificence and the glory of the love of God. There is a beautiful story behind this hymn, between the two brothers. We will look at it some other day
Oh what love is this love, dear friends, that sought us from the depths of darkness, bound in chains, slaves for eternity, on the path of self-annihilation. Oh the love of God, who can describe it? The heart that experiences this love, is the one who knows it.
– “9 In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. 10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” – 1 John 4:9-10
How about you dear friend? Have you found this love? Have you tasted this unconditional love? What about us O Christian? Are we growing in the love of God? Do we still love the LORD, as we have, when He first touched us? May the LORD grant us grace, to not only experience this amazing love, but also, to grow deeper and deeper, in our understanding, as the days pass by. Even so the LORD help us.
"Here is the paradox. We can fully embrace God's love only when we recognize how completely unworthy of it we are."