Today is 31 July 2024. This means, we have completed seven full months of the year, 2024. There are 213 days between 1 January to 31 July 2024. One can see them as 213 days of blessings. Someone may ask, “How is it so?” Did we not have troubles in these 213 days? Yes, of course. Did we not have painful times? Yes, of course. Do not those painful times, troubles us still? Most probably yes. So, how can those 213 days be a blessing?
Leave alone others, how do we see these 213 days? I see 213 plus, and much much more blessings – one for each day…and much more…the blessings of the LORD. Every day we are alive is a miracle. Every day as we travel, there are so many dangers lurking to gobble us up. Every single day, of those 213 days, we have not only seen a new sunrise, but also, have survived them, successfully. We have food to eat; clothes to wear; roof over our heads; we have a job; we have more than what we need. Probably a car or a two wheeler to travel around. Now, are these not mercies from God, which we cannot buy with money, nor earn them, in any other way? Is it not so?
Many of us are happy with such things as above. Many in this world, are not satisfied, and therefore, are not happy. Where do we stand? Which group of people are we to be identified with?
The Bible tells us that, YAHWEH, our Father, is someone who truly cares for us, and our welfare. Isn’t it so? Therefore, the Psalmist writes…
– “19 Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation! Selah” – Psalm 68:19
HalleluYah!!! We have the LORD for our Provider, and would we lack anything that we need? I don’t think so. Hence, let us keep thanking the LORD, every single day of what remains of 2024. There is so much to be thankful and grateful for, than what we may need.
– “Great is Thy faithfulness. Great is Thy faithfulness. Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.”
"First, feel blessed for all you have, such as your kids, a home, a good job, food, water and all the basic necessities that some people do not have, and struggle every day to put their hands on."