The LORD God Almighty, who is our Creator and our Sustainer, is a fair and just God. He is the epitome of justice, fairness and equality. Such a quality is fundamental and essential for God being God.
How should we be, as His creation, and as the “Called Out People” – His redeemed ones? We have to be just like our LORD and our Master. This is fair expectation from the “Children of God.”
This is precisely what, the LORD who gave the law, is expecting from His people in Leviticus 19:33-34 – “33 And if a man from another country is living in your land with you, do not make life hard for him; 34 Let him be to you as one of your countrymen and have love for him as for yourself; for you were living in a strange land, in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” Amplified for our application in Ex. 22:21; Deut. 24:17, 18; Zech. 7:10.
The world may wish to live as it wants. We as the children of God, are expected by our LORD, to be fair and just, in all our dealings. May the LORD help us.
"My trust in God flows out of the experience of his loving me, day in and day out, whether the day is stormy or fair, whether I'm sick or in good health, whether I'm in a state of grace or disgrace. He comes to me where I live and loves me as I am."