Vision speaks of a visionary. A visionary speaks about leadership. Leadership speaks about direction. Direction speaks about choices. This process speaks about our desire and commitment towards the destination we see as the vision. No wonder the Bible says, “18 Where there is no vision, the people perish…” – Proverbs 29:18.
All that we need as Christians and the Church, is already given to us by the LORD. There is nothing new that needs to be given to us. If it was so, the LORD would have given it to us.
The Church is established for the past 2000 years. Unfortunately, today the Church is at a crossroads. Unsure and uncertain as to which way to go in regards to Values, Ethics, Principles and Morals. What a tragedy it is! The one who is expected to be the guide – SALT and LIGHT – is not only blinded, but is confused, and in chaos. This is the Church today.
The Church at large lacks vision and visionary leadership, to guide it through these trying and testing times. Truth is not spoken because we want to be politically correct. Everyone maintains a dignified silence, when Principles, Values and Ethics are blatantly trodden underfoot. There is a moral collapse, and we seem to turn a blind eye.
The leadership, at best, maintains a civilised silence. Strangely, most pulpits are happy to ‘pander’ to the whims and fancies of the trends. Any voice daring to speak out is either forcibly shut, or silently sent out.
We are not only lost, but are blissfully enjoying the progress and the liberated life and lifestyle. This will destroy us. The sooner we realise it, the better. May the LORD help each of us, beginning with me, to stand up for Him, and make a difference for our King, and the kingdom of God.
"It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone."