God’s sovereignty is visible for us in His Providence, Purposes and Plans. God has His ‘mysterious’ ways in which He deals with us and carries on His work and His intentions. No obstacle, nor any plan, nor any person can thwart His purposes and plans. Whatever the LORD will; at the time He wants it; will be done exactly as He wants it.
One such incident from the history of the Church is for our edification and encouragement. On 28th August, 430 AD, vandals invade Roman North Africa, and overwhelm refugees of Hippo, among whom was Augustine, the Church father, who dies, not because of the vandals, but because of a fever.
As the LORD wills, the writings of Augustine, including City of God, survive the vandal takeover. Augustine’s theology, later on, becomes one of the main pillars on which, the church of the next 1,000 years is built.
Such incidents are countless, and they go on to prove to us, the sovereignty of God over everything that is seen, and that which is unseen too. The LORD is on the throne and His Purposes and plans will succeed. This should encourage us to continue to trust God, despite the way things are unfolding in and around us.
Therefore, let us look to the LORD, the Author and the Finisher of our faith, and run patiently, the race that is set before us – Hebrews 12:1-2.
"This is the essence of God’s sovereignty; His absolute independence to do as He pleases and His absolute control over the actions of all His creatures. No creature, person, or empire can either thwart His will or act outside the bounds of His will."