The LORD Jesus speaks a profound thing about our faith and belief in Him and His ability in Mark 9:23 – “23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”
The context is that of a father who brings his son, possessed by an evil spirit, for healing, to Jesus. The disciples couldn’t help the boy, and Jesus had to intervene.
Faith or belief is important when we come to the LORD. However, we should be careful in how we apply the words of Jesus to our context. Many times we wish to enforce our will, by applying the principle of faith.
“Believing” or faith is not some kind of a magic wand, that we use to get our problems solved – however difficult and painful our problems may be. The “believing” and our faith should take us to the LORD God Almighty, and encourage us to wait upon Him, to help us solve the matter at hand, in the best possible way that He thinks is good for us. This what our LORD wants from us.
Therefore, let us come to the LORD in faith, and believe that He will help us through all that is troubling us, in a way that is good for us, and glorifies the LORD. Let us pray the prayer our LORD prayed – “39….not as I will, but as thou wilt.” – Matthew 26:39. This is faith!!!
"God allows His arm to be twisted when we insist that "not Thy will, but mine be done." Many Christians have to learn the hard way what the unthankful people of Israel learned so long ago: "He gave them their request but sent leanness into their soul" (Psalm 106:15)."