Money is necessary for us to live. Money is earned only when we work. Working is good, and it keeps us healthy in our mind, heart and body – mentally, emotionally and physically.
Our income indicates a lot about our work, and our abilities. However, how much we spend, and on what we spend, is a good indicator of our heart, its preferences and choices.
The LORD Jesus speaking about treasures and money, said – “21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” – Matthew 6:21. Where our heart is, indicates a whole lot of things about us, and who we actually are, deep within. That is why the Word of God lays so much emphasis on our hearts.
It is a good time to evaluate our financial status…especially our expenses. Where is our money being spent? What are we buying? To whom are we giving it? On what, and how much, are we spending our hard earned money? Let us be careful, not to get carried away by the glitz and the glamour of all that the world offers for our money. All of it may not be healthy. It may not be good. It may not be wise to spend upon.
Where does God figure in our ‘Income and Expenses account?’ How much are we investing on the kingdom of God? How much are we spending on helping the poor and the needy around us? Let us not forget the Parable of ‘The Rich Man and Lazarus’ in Luke 16;19-31. Everything is added to our balance sheet.
"Today Christians spend more money on dog food than missions."