Integrity is the invisible glue, that holds together all things good. It governs and guides the person on to the narrow path. Hence it is precious and priceless. Yet it can be lost easily, if one is not careful to nurture and fiercely guard it.
Nurturing integrity is like farming. A time-consuming process. It takes a lot of hard work and patience, before it begins to bear fruit. The fruit is visible, but not the hard work behind it. What is seen, is what was sown. What is sown, is what is harvested.
Since integrity is what glues and governs every other aspect of your life. Therefore, hold that up high. Never throw it away for some crumbs. Never ever sell it, even if the bidder bids the whole world. What you gain by losing your integrity, is not worth having it in the first place. Don’t be a fool.
It pays well to remember what the good old Book says, “”what we sow, that we reap…”” [Gal 5:6,7]
Therefore, sow well, and reap well.
Kumara Krupa Bachala