C. S. Lewis says “I believe there are too many practitioners in the Church who are not believers.” It is a painful view expressed by this great man of God. Sadly, what C. S. Lewis says is true.
Many who are sincere, do fail and falter. That is a separate issue, from those who pretend. Many times it is difficult to separate wheat from the tares. The LORD of the Havrvest will take care of that.
Talking about Church in India, this is what some who have toiled in the LORD’s vineyard have to say. Rajaratnam, former president of the National Council of Churches in India; also the Executive Secretary, United Evangelical Lutheran Church of India (UELCI) says, “Corruption is rampant among church leaders. The mission of the church is not on the agenda of many church leaders. Their real agenda is power and money.”
John Dayal, the General Secretary of the All India Christian Council says – “Corruption, mismanagement of lands, buildings and institutions, and the integrity of church personnel handling money at all levels have become a major issue in a growing section of the Protestant and Independent churches across India.”
Catholic Bishop, Prasad Gallela of Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh, was “abducted, blindfolded, hands tied, stripped, locked up and tortured mercilessly by three of his own priests in “Dady’s Home,” an institution run by one of them?”
This is the reality of the Church. Not all Churches are bad. Not all peopleare bad. But, we are fast approaching towards a total breakdown of all that a Church should be, and should stand for.
Nothing is going to change, as long as people are power hungry, greedy, self-serving, than pay attention to, and obey the Bible, and what it demands from us. We will continue to see such incidents, and blissfully continue on the path of self destruction. Nation of Israel is a fine example of how self destructive ‘Christians’ can be.
The next step on the road of self-destruction is persecution and ‘exile.’
"When we put on the Lord Jesus Christ, we must put something else off, and that’s the old self. That old man and woman has passed away and now we are new creations in Jesus Christ (2nd Cor 5:17) with new desires to obey God and new passions to serve Him..."