Prayer is one subject that is never ending, and a thing that is ever needed by us. It is NEVER ENDING, because there is so much to know and learn about it. It is EVER NEEDED because, a Christian cannot be fruitful without learning to lean on prayer.
The LORD Jesus Christ, speaking to the disciples, enlightens them [and us too] about the significance of prayer for a disciple, and how to go about it – “1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;” – Luke 18:1
The point to note about prayer and praying, is that, firstly, we “ought to pray always.” Secondly, we should “not faint.” This is what I gather.
1- *We have to pray always. The need could be big or small; pressing or not so urgent…we ought to be seeking the LORD always. This indicates to us, our need and our desire, to seek and depend upon our LORD for all things.
2- When we pray, we are declaring our inability, inadequacy, and our insufficiency to help ourselves. This is important for our spiritual maturity and our fruitfulness. It crushes our pride and our ego, and helps us to be in our rightful place.
3- Praying always demonstrates to us and to the world, the Source of all provision.
The LORD Jesus Himself, had prayed, so many times, during His earthly ministry. Do we need any greater example than our LORD, to understand the importance and the significance of prayer?
"Where there is much prayer, there will be much of the Spirit; where there is much of the Spirit, there will be ever-increasing prayer."